is a Polish Australian composer
"My compositions are a search for identity and an understanding of my true "self", which neurodivergence has largely denied me.
My music draws on a range of influences, musical styles and materials to communicate my inner thoughts, in the hope of making connections and generating responses.
We can recognise the historical development of Western art music through to the 1970s— roughly the period of high Modernism. But since that time I believe development has largely ceased, and today's composers mostly focus on re-visiting earlier modes—although many composers wouldn't like to admit it. This for me is at the heart of what is called Postmodernism, which could just as easily be called Post-Development."
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"Czapla" is the Polish word for heron, and "ski" means "from a place". So, Czaplowski means "from a place where herons live", and this is why I identify with the heron symbolically.